Up 3D printer modification
UP!3D is my first 3d printer, it works great out of box, but after all these years(about 10years!), it start to show problem. The head unit cables are broken internally, the heater is not stable, temperature could drop when printing. So, find the pin outs and redo external wires is what I did: Blue and red for heater, black and yellow for temp sensor. Motor 4 wires Later on, the heat bed is having the same issue, So, I did the same thing with heater and sensor(PTC100) This time, I want to do more, the heat bed of this up 3D is not very efficient, it would take 40min to heat up to 90-100 degree. So I order some new voron 0.1 heat bed and aluminum plate. I ordered 12V version, since I "believe" the original one is 12V, since the power supply for the whole system is 19V. But, in reality, it's a 24V one, and connected directly to 19V, controlled by a N channel at low side. I also removed the NTC came with, since afinia system use PTC100 I powered it with power supply and t...