
目前顯示的是 2016的文章

First tryout with pix4D and a sport cam video on a 4axis

reference: https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/202557359#gsc.tab=0 it seems it can use video directly, but my free version seems does not have that option. So turns to other solution: http://www.dvdvideosoft.com/products/dvd/Free-Video-to-JPG-Converter.htm you can input avi file, and set the time interval or frame interval, or set total frames from the video. then it get all the pics in a folder under my picture/FreeVideoToJPGConverter/video name when importing pics, you have to copy all these JPGs into the project folder in pix4D, otherwise, error will stop you. it will also ask for geolocation information for at least 3pictures. I did not have, so I directly ask for start and go for long wait. it will first comes with a quality report: giving no information of loation, it does understand the relative location of each pics. It's only a 40 pics result, but very very encouraging...

mission planner follow me mode with external GPS

I wish to use follow me mode to make my 4 axis to follow a RC car or RC boat. the idea is to transmit decoded GPS location and pass through radio form remote site to station. And then pass the coordination the mission planner with NMEA format. which I will need to use a arduino and generate NMEA to USB. there is no lib for this, but a example of generate CRC: http://engineeringnotes.blogspot.tw/2015/02/generate-crc-for-nmea-strings-arduino.html for the sentences contain position: $GPGGA Name Example Data Description Sentence Identifier $GPGGA Global Positioning System Fix Data Time 170834 17:08:34 Z Latitude 4124.8963, N 41d 24.8963' N or 41d 24' 54" N Longitude 08151.6838, W 81d 51.6838' W or 81d 51' 41" W Fix Quality: - 0 = Invalid - 1 = GPS fix - 2 = DGPS fix 1 Data is from a GPS fix Number of Satellites 05 5 Satellites are in view Horizontal Dilution of Precision (HDOP) 1.5 Relative accuracy of horizontal position Altitude 280.2, ...

GPS module used by 3DR

It comes an idea of using 3DR gps module for other applicaiton, but few things need to knowL: 1. it's not a NEMA one, the one I have iswith ublox chip, 6 or 7, by default,it communicates through uart at 38400bps, and it use an other portocol UBX, which is an binary one. different chip has different config file: https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot/tree/master/libraries/AP_GPS/config it can be loaded to gps by uusing u-center from ublox https://www.u-blox.com/en/product/u-center-windows the config used by 3DR has majorly following out put in UBX 00:08:24  R -> UBX NAV-SOL,  Size  60,  'Navigation Solution' 00:08:24  R -> UBX NAV-SVINFO,  Size 208,  'Satellite Status and Information' 00:08:24  R -> UBX NAV-STATUS,  Size  24,  'Navigation Status' 00:08:24  R -> UBX NAV-POSLLH,  Size  36,  'Geodetic Position' 00:08:24  R -> UBX NAV-VELNED,  Size  44,  'Velocity in WGS...

Measuring current and voltage using 3DR power module and arduino

I used to use Allegro ASC current sensor like this one. since it's calibration free, and out put voltage according to voltage. But these sensors are not easy to get in taiwan, and quite expensive. As APM is popular, the 3dr power module comes with different source, good price, with 5V supply on it. this one should be handly.  while saying it's open source, I'm not quite sure where to get the code today. But a good source from sparkfun comes out form googling. it's a attopilot voltage and acurrent sensor breakout, there are 90A and 180A versions. https://www.sparkfun.com/products/9028 Both are constructed with a shun resistor and a TI INA-169, which will out put a current based on the voltage difference on both side of shun resistor. Crossing this current through a resistor which connect to ground, then we have a voltage on this resistor, which is in function with the current. As to voltage, there is a set of dividing voltage. The good t...

Install PyBBIO with debian 7.9 on beaglebone black

Down load latest firmware form beagleboard.org Recommended Debian Images Wheezy for BeagleBone, BeagleBone Black and Seeed BeagleBone Green via microSD card Debian   7.9  ( BeagleBone, BeagleBone Black, Seeed BeagleBone Green  -  4GB SD )  2015-11-12   -  more info  -  bmap  - sha256sum:  f6e67ba01ff69d20f2c655f5e429c3e6c2398123bcd3d8d548460c597275d277 Jessie for BeagleBone, BeagleBone Black, SeeedStudio BeagleBone Green, element14 BeagleBone Black Industrial and Arrow BeagleBone Black Industrial via microSD card Debian   8.3  ( BeagleBone, BeagleBone Black, SeeedStudio BeagleBone Green, element14 BeagleBone Black Industrial, Arrow BeagleBone Black Industrial  - 4GB SD )  2016-01-24   -  more info  -  bmap  - sha256sum:  da97d7794d834ee785265162635aedcca80fd6dc374593dd05473c0a25f0ac73 There so many hardware version of beaglebone black... even industrial version, wi...

MS SQL for Beaglebone black Debian

sudo apt - get -- assume - yes update sudo apt - get -- assume - yes install freetds - dev freetds - bin it would take some time on processing triggers for man-db ... sudo apt - get -- assume - yes install python - dev python - pip sudo pip install pymssql gcc take some times...be patient.... imported with no error when using MSSQL account I got error: Traceback (most recent call last):   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>   File "pymssql.pyx", line 641, in pymssql.connect (pymssql.c:10788) pymssql.OperationalError: (40615, "Cannot open server 'tiked' requested by the login. Client                                        with IP address '' is not allowed to access the server.  To enable access, use                   ...

Raspberry Pi start for my IOT uart and PyBBIO server(also on PC)

After several time of pushing, there is still no BBB... now need to get a Pi for testing my IOT set. Installed Dabian for Raspberry Pi, when frist run up it would bring up raspi- config    for configuration, I expand file system to full sd card, and changed password, then  need to change thekeyboard lay out.... we can also execute raspi-config to change anything should log in as : pi It comes with DHCP, so obtain IP automatic SCP server is also installed, winSCP can work it seems broadcom uart is shown as ttyAMA0 Python is version 2.7.3 start with a python uart testing: import serial import array ser=serial.Serial('/dev/ttyAMA0',115200,timeout=1) LedOn=[0xFF,0xFF,0x00,0x01,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0x0D] Test=[0x41,0x42,0x43,0x44,0x45,0x46,0x47,0x48,0x49,0x50,0x51,0x0D] ser.write(array.array('B',LedOn).tostring()) ser.write("test on pi uart ttyAMA0") ser.close() the program need to execute as r...