
目前顯示的是 3月, 2014的文章

BeagleBone as video server with mjpg-streamer under ubuntu 1210

After installing PyBBIO correctly on beaglebone A6A, I came back for adding video service on beaglebone. I have tried "Motion" before, it was working on beagleboard xM with pretty good frame per second. But when I tried motion on beaglebone, the program looks running,no error message, but the video was never shown on the client side. After googling, it seems mjpg-streamer is a good solution wildly applied on beaglebone. Here is a good web page detailing the steps. http://shrkey.com/installing-mjpg-streamer-on-beaglebone-black/ Above example use beaglebone black and 1310, I tried on beaglebone white with ubuntu 1210 1st step is to install libraries: sudo apt-get install g++ curl pkg-config libv4l-dev libjpeg-dev build-essential libssl-dev vim cmake sudo apt-get install imagemagick 2nd step: down load mjpg-streamer wget https://github.com/shrkey/mjpg-streamer/raw/master/mjpg-streamer.tar.gz 3rd step: untar it into it's floder: tar -xvf ./mjpg-streamer.ta...

beaglebone with ubuntu and PyBBIO

I installed ubuntu 12.10 on beaglebone white without no problem. and very happy to see that PyBBIO also have a installation guide on installing on ubuntu. https://github.com/alexanderhiam/PyBBIO To prevent problem, I use sudo su to be root. make sure we have correct internet connection. Get these first: apt-get update && apt-get install curl gcc python-serial python-dev after several check, it will ask for permission, type yes it would take a while to install all these. finally: now use curl #cd p curl http://python-distribute.org/distribute_setup.py | python   Then you'll need to get the code: # cd ~ # git clone git://github.com/alexanderhiam/PyBBIO.git Now run the install script: # cd PyBBIO # python setup.py install After few sh: 1:dtc : not found. it's installed PyBBIO should now be installed correctly. Run the blink example to make sure all is well: # cd examples # python blink.py when trying to run the example, it told me : ...

using beaglexM as video server

Most project is working on ubuntu, like this one: http://www.hackourlife.com/diy-webcam-server-or-home-security-monitoring-setup-using-beagleboard-xm-running-ubuntu/ To do so, first thing is to make a ubuntu on beagleboard: http://elinux.org/BeagleBoardUbuntu down load the image, the trick is here: Install image: Quick install script for "board" sudo ./setup_sdcard.sh --mmc /dev/sdX --uboot board "board" options: BeagleBoard Ax/Bx/Cx/Dx - beagle BeagleBoard xM - beagle_xm BeagleBone/Black - bone So for the BeagleBoard xM: sudo ./setup_sdcard.sh --mmc /dev/sdX --uboot beagle_xm after boot up with ubuntu, we could log in as ubuntu with password:temppwd first thing t try is sudo apt-get update then we   Install motion by doing: sudo apt-get install motion when it's done, it should be like this, with no error The headless Ubuntu server running on my BeagleBoard XM doesn’t allow access of /dev/video0 (webcam) without roo...