BBB expand sd card space
I use a 8G uSD with debian image of 4G, when I run mavproxy, it shows not enough space, since the whole system is at 3.3G some thing.... I checked the beaglebone web site about expanding sd card, this is not correct... Another link does the job: There are a number of tutorials out there that show you how to expand a BeagleBone Black microSD-based filesystem. Most of them were written, however, when the delivered image from contained two partitions: one a FAT partition, the other your standard Linux partition. The aim of this post is to show you that indeed, you have nothing to fear expanding your BeagleBone Black partition even though there is only one (if you’re like us you get a little nervous when someone asks you to delete the partition you booted in). Let’s get started. We’re using the Debian