OLED for arduino
I have baught few 0.96 OLED modules from hobbyking, it's said to be working with MWC, but it's not.....not even work.... there are several similar OLED out there, using SSD1306 driver, here is a thread of discussion on crius OLED co-16 v1.0 which is identified as resetting problem due to layout http://www.multiwii.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=2705 there are 2 solution provided, 1. added a 100K resistor between pin 14 and Vcc, and a 10nF cap between pin 14 and GND. The other one short pin 19 and 20 to get a ACK on IIC and made it work. I firsted tried to short pin 19 and 20, and I got a 0x3C device while using IIC scanner with arduino. But still no correct display using this example: http://www.wide.hk/download/UG-2864HSWEG01.rar And I have a CRius OLED co-16 V1.2, I connected to Leonardo usign IIC, it works correctly with the example above (whcih use adafruit examples). https://learn.adafruit.com/monochrome-oled-breakouts/arduino-library-and-...