
目前顯示的是 3月, 2018的文章

How many LMIC for arduino are on the net??

I have been trying to work out the TTN in my region which is 923 AS2. spending some time to find out how to make a 1ch gateway, which take only 1ch and 1SF. Now it comes to the node side, most of examples use IBM LMIC and it's variation. IBM LMIC is based on ST MCU, so some porting to arduino IDE. They all have simillar name but with different modification.  and the function to call in arduino are the same, so be very careful to install.(I believe you better have only one on it.) 1. Matthijs Skooij https://github.com/matthijskooijman/arduino-lmic based on LMIC 1.5 providing raw example; used to send lora mac to other, for testing purpose. ttn-abp ttb-otaa No wiki page, but good explaination on readme.md 2. Thomas Telkamp https://github.com/tftelkamp He has 2 git on LMIC, 1. arduino-lmic-v1.5 noted deprecated, and refer reader to Matthijs one.US915/AU915 hybrid mode 2. LoRa-LMIC-1.51 folked from  Forked from  things4u/LoRa-LMIC-1.51  not sure what ...

TTN single channel gateway with esp8266 for us frequency plan at 903.9Mhz

My region is fit for TTN 923 frequency plan, before making a 923 1ch gateway, it's good exercise to 1st make a 915 gateway. Hardware: RFM95, ESP8266 I did not find the hardware guide for V5, but there is one for V4 http://things4u.github.io/HardwareGuide/Single-Channel-Gway/ESP-gateway-v4.html short notice on hardware: The version is done with 2 kinds PCB(3 in V5, additional heltec board) which related to pin connection.There are' Comresult connections: For the bare board solutions the connections that need to be made are as follows: RFM95 pin ESP8266 pin 3.3V VCC 3.3V GND GND MISO D6 GPIO12/MISO MOSI D7 GPIO13/MOSI SCK D5 GPIO14/CLK (*) NSS D8 GPIO15/CS RESET *nc DIO0 D1, GPIO5 DIO1 D2, GPIO4 DIO2 D3, GPIO0 (**) * The reset pin does not have to be connected so it seems. It is only used at setup to read the chip identification ** This connection is not necessary for the current version of the gateway, but is more versatile for next versions or other use ...