
目前顯示的是 1月, 2019的文章

micropython on esp32 Part2: IDE

For the IDE, uPyCraft, you will need python 3.7, so go to their page and down load: The good thing is that in 3.7, the installer will add python path to PATH wait for the installation to complete Install uPyCraft IDE – Windows PC it could ask for update.. it seems uPyCraft can also burn uPy firmware on to ESP https://randomnerdtutorials.com/flash-upload-micropython-firmware-esp32-esp8266/ This is the article I refered to start with uPyCraft https://randomnerdtutorials.com/getting-started-micropython-esp32-esp8266/ I copy and past the LED code, the great thing is that you don't have to wait form the compiling time, just down load it and run... But there are chances that the communication with the board goes wrong, then you can always press STOP, or reset the board.

Micropython in esp32 part1: install firmware

The first trick is to install micropython firmware to esp32 in windows. you can find firmware for esp32 from here: http://micropython.org/download make sure you down load the right one, I down loaded the non spiram version, the standard one. Then, it comes to how to write firmware to board under windows. I have python 2.7 on my PC, so install esptool through pip seems easy. pip install esptool Then in the folder you put the downloaded firmware, esptool.exe  --chip esp32 --port COM26 write_flash -z 0x1000 esp32-20190113-v1.9.4.bin the it would do the trick...