control SJ4000 wifi through HTTP you can communicate with the camera through HTTP service, including changing camera mode, and shooting photo...etc. Checking Camera Mode To check for current mode the camera is operating in,default is video mode, open your web browser to the following URL: The camera will return HTTP 200 response, using text/xml content type with appropriate content length, and following XML content: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <Function> <Cmd>3016</Cmd> <Status> MODENUMBER </Status> </Function> Each line is terminated by a single LF (ASCII 10) character except the last line (which is not terminated). and MODENUMBER part will be one of these camera mode numbers: Table 7.2. List of returned camera mode numbers Camera mode number Camera mode 0 Photo shooting mode 1 Video recording mode 3 T...