firebase host 0: Arduino to firebase
I first got this lib: But not working tested 2019/6/26 on esp8266 this is the working one there are different version for different board, such as esp32, arduino MKR1000wifi...etc Documentations are good, on dependencies, installation, feature....etc. Few thing need to be set up in google firebase and get the following info: data base host: https://********** this can be found in database Data, and select Realtime Database and you need a database secret form below: project overview/ project settings/Service accounts/Database secrets/ secret some thing like: fhWvKNxxxHb2oMmbF3sayyyE4HAhMxxzzzzSG53 the secret method seems to be an old one, and it could be replaced some day..... The only downside of this firebase lib is that it use arduino "String" in example... I tried to use arduinoJson lib....some arduino firebase lib already use Json lib, but...