IR remote with arduino
there are lots of remote on our desk, to turn the tv from cable to google chrome, we need to use the remote of TV to switch to the HDMI port of chrome. To switch back you need to reach another remote.... the idea is use arduino as base to make a better remote. refer to this blog: and use the arduino lib: using the IRremote lib, there is another one form esp32 as well. I'm using a mega328p with this receiver: with the IRrecvDemo running, and point my tv remote to it, press few buttons, it does comes out the code received in HEX. if you press long, only the fist code is decoded, the reset is simply FF Using the IRrecvDumpV2, it tells you the detail of the coding: the OK button of cable remote is read as: Encoding : UNKNOWN Code : EAB7BACD (32 bits) the OK button of TV(Toshiba)remote is read as: Encoding : NEC Code : 2FD847...