
目前顯示的是 3月, 2022的文章

Soco TC 03 original power system performance test 20220322

 I have made a watt meter with ASC758, I test my TC with original battery(60V 30AH) and original speed controller. The result is that no matter I ran on a flat or a up hill(gear 1 or 3 does not matter), the current is controlled at 40A...with 60V it gives 2400W, when battery is fresh, the watt could be higher with higher voltage. and when going up hill, the voltage will drop to 58V, so the power will drop as well as speed. I believe the current limit comes from the speed controller. since BMS would not have the ability to control current at this precision. To increase the power, few ideals: 1. increase the voltage according to this video on utube:  https://youtu.be/0xSuIvrNwVs  the original controller seems also have a over voltage protection at 75 volts , once over voltaged controller will not drive the wheel, and you need to go down to 72V for the controller to drive the wheel. original battery 17S is charged at 71V= 17S*4.17V if we charged at 4.1V/cell, with 75V limit,...

few features I wish to add on a pi base Lora gateway

  There are loraWan gateway based on Pi and RAK lora concentrator. adding a IIC oled display and a shut down button is nice(maybe an addition LED to indicate it's shut down already) My first lorawan gateway is like this one, it has been running for a while with out problem, 1.5 years later, my pi start to hang....maybe due to heat... My second one is with 2245, and pi zero, since the pi zero W, the whole system takes about 225-250mA at 5V side, and the temp is low... 1. Adding power button https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAzheiZlB9k&t=344s&ab_channel=AndreasSpiess sudo nano /boot/config.txt and add the following line to the file: dtoverlay=gpio-shutdown,gpio_pin=3,active_low=1,gpio_pull=up ctrl-X and Yes and, after a reboot, it should work. No, Andreas' trick does not work on rak gateway... But this does work on 2021-10-30 raspios bull eye.... I made it on gpio26, since I want to use GPIO3 as IIC for OLED This one use a py service, and it works on the rakgateway. http:/...