Auto start a Python service on beaglebone angustrom
after making several python web service, I wish to have the web service starts when power on beaglebone, this link is the reference: example: Go in to /lib/systemd/system/ and open the bone101.service, this is a service file for 101 stuff. so we have to create our service I have a PyBBIO web service stuff named as saved as glass_tank.service [Unit] Description=Python glass tank web service [Service] WorkingDirectory=/home/root/PyBBIO/examples ExecStart=/usr/bin/python [Install] Then go to terminal do the following: systemctl enable glass_tank.service To start the service, you can reboot or execute systemctl start glass_tank.service To check if the service is running and get the latest outputs from the script: root@beaglebone:~# systemctl status glass_tank.service in terminal it would return like this: ...