Arduino based DMX library

Arduino based DMX ArtNet-Node

I tried severail library for DMX, most of them modify the serial hardware setting on 168/328. 250000bps is supported, 2 stop bits are also supported. the first start 88us is using 115200 bps to send 0x00.

But when I wish to run them on mega, most lib does not support. although we know we can modify the lib to fit mega, but this one claim to support mega, and able to do 4 universe. I'm going to try it!!

but this lib only runs on 0023 version.

I tried this Arduino based DMX ArtNet-Node v0.2 lib in 0022 version, it's pretty good, no need for modify hardwareserial.cpp
and it works great on mega...
Installation Instructions:

Copy the folder “Dmx” included in the package to the folder arduino-0023/libraries/

Copy the folder “artnet_node” to Arduino sketches folder, in my case “Arduino”

Now we can open the sketch of the “artnet_node”, compile the code and upload to Arduino.

it seems if you don't use artnet function, it could work with 1.0 above arduino.

I tested theDMX receive example under arduino 1.01, it works correctly with my vixen software



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