OpenAlpr with webcam on Pi3
Last time I made an installation on Pi with 16GB microSD card on Pi3. it's tested with a stored jpg...result is good... Now I wish to make it works with SUB webcam I have on hand, which is a Logitech.. after plug in: it's detected, and works as a USB Class Video as ttyvideo0 INSTALL FSWEBCAM First, install the fswebcam package: sudo apt - get install fswebcam then test it: fswebcam image . jpg I got a black screen....something need to be done... not sure what error is this: GD Error: gd-jpeg: JPEG library reports unrecoverable error: Not a JPEG file I found a reason here: the problem was the frames. The camera gives black because it cant take a picture with one frame. You have to: 1)skip the first frames with the -S 10 2)or take the pictures with more frames -F 10 (range 1-255) 255 is slow 3) or give more power to camera (usb hub) so this can give a normal picture. ...