OpenAlpr with webcam on Pi3
Last time I made an installation on Pi with 16GB microSD card on Pi3.
it's tested with a stored jpg...result is good...
Now I wish to make it works with SUB webcam I have on hand, which is a Logitech..
after plug in:
it's detected, and works as a USB Class Video as ttyvideo0
then test it:
I got a black screen....something need to be done...
not sure what error is this: GD Error: gd-jpeg: JPEG library reports unrecoverable error: Not a JPEG file
I found a reason here:
the problem was the frames.
The camera gives black because it cant take a picture with one frame.
You have to:
1)skip the first frames with the -S 10
2)or take the pictures with more frames -F 10 (range 1-255) 255 is slow
3) or give more power to camera (usb hub)
so this can give a normal picture. XD
Now it's time to find a plate and test....
this is a python written by luka...very nice one...
Is Taiwanese car plate works? I went on the steet and took few photos with my mobile and send to Pi3...
there are 2 kind of car plates, in Taiwan, seems both works fine with us option(which is default)
My current Pi3 is still on table, can't be took out door, so, I display the pic I have on PC, and use
fswebcam -i 0 -d v4l2:/dev/video0 --jpeg 95 --save test.jpg -S 20 -r 640x480
this is what on the monitor
it's tested with a stored jpg...result is good...
Now I wish to make it works with SUB webcam I have on hand, which is a Logitech..
after plug in:
it's detected, and works as a USB Class Video as ttyvideo0
First, install the
package:sudo apt-get install fswebcam
then test it:
fswebcam image.jpg
I got a black screen....something need to be done...
not sure what error is this: GD Error: gd-jpeg: JPEG library reports unrecoverable error: Not a JPEG file
I found a reason here:
the problem was the frames.
The camera gives black because it cant take a picture with one frame.
You have to:
1)skip the first frames with the -S 10
2)or take the pictures with more frames -F 10 (range 1-255) 255 is slow
3) or give more power to camera (usb hub)
so this can give a normal picture. XD
Code: [Select]
fswebcam -i 0 -d v4l2:/dev/video0 --jpeg 95 --save test.jpg -S 20 -r 640x480
Now it's time to find a plate and test....
this is a python written by luka...very nice one...
Is Taiwanese car plate works? I went on the steet and took few photos with my mobile and send to Pi3...
there are 2 kind of car plates, in Taiwan, seems both works fine with us option(which is default)
My current Pi3 is still on table, can't be took out door, so, I display the pic I have on PC, and use
fswebcam -i 0 -d v4l2:/dev/video0 --jpeg 95 --save test.jpg -S 20 -r 640x480
to get a pic as test.jpg
the run alpr test.jpg
the result is good...
this is what the web cam got...
To get things work on python, I refer to this:
he made a script for python using web cam to capture image, and send into ALPR.
import json, shlex, subprocess class PlateReader: def __init__(self): #webcam subprocess args webcam_command = "fswebcam -r 640x480 -S 20 --no-banner --quiet alpr.jpg" self.webcam_command_args = shlex.split(webcam_command) #alpr subprocess args alpr_command = "alpr -c eu -t hr -n 300 -j alpr.jpg" self.alpr_command_args = shlex.split(alpr_command) def webcam_subprocess(self): return subprocess.Popen(self.webcam_command_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) def alpr_subprocess(self): return subprocess.Popen(self.alpr_command_args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) def alpr_json_results(self): self.webcam_subprocess().communicate() alpr_out, alpr_error = self.alpr_subprocess().communicate() if not alpr_error is None: return None, alpr_error elif "No license plates found." in alpr_out: return None, None try: return json.loads(alpr_out), None except ValueError, e: return None, e def read_plate(self): alpr_json, alpr_error = self.alpr_json_results() if not alpr_error is None: print alpr_error return if alpr_json is None: print "No results!" return results = alpr_json["results"] ordinal = 0 for result in results: candidates = result["candidates"] for candidate in candidates: if candidate["matches_template"] == 1: ordinal += 1 print "Guess {0:d}: {1:s} {2:.2f}%".format(ordinal, candidate["plate"], candidate["confidence"]) if __name__=="__main__": plate_reader = PlateReader() plate_reader.read_plate()