LoraWan gateway part 2:1CH gateway V6 with helteclora32 platformIO
https://github.com/things4u/ESP-1ch-Gateway is a very updated library, this is one of those TTN 1ch forwarders, the most updated as today(2020/09/22). The writer is making the V6 on PlatformIO. One good thing is that in platformIO the project files will include all the libraries in the project. So that you don't need to take care of the dependency of libs. I used to use arduino, when making larger projects, you will use a lot of libs, it's not a big problem when you start the project and make it work. But as time gose by, libs would be updated or renewed and get yourself into troubles of compatibility between libraries. and it's not done yet, some times when arduino board profiles make large change, some libs can fail...especially on newer boards, such esp32/8266... With PlatformIO, we get ride of the compatibility problem, since you include the need libs with correct version into the project, I'm not sure if the board definitions of platfromIO have impact on lib...