Heltec cube cell PSoc+Lora


The board is on ASR605x (ASR6501, ASR6502(has more pins, including a second SPI )), which included a PSoc 4000(M0) and SX1262(new lora chip).
also integrated a solar panel(5.5-7V) control system and lipo battery management. Clam to have 3.5uA in deep sleep with 3.3V direct connect to the board. 11uA with battery.

I have been using heltec for quite a while, this time they seems to have a better documentation.https://heltec.org/project/htcc-ab01/

The Git seems better documented.

I hook up a BME280 and test with 3rd parties example... it does not work....
I did a IIC scan, the address is 0x76
it failed when reading BME280_REG_CHIPID 
if chipID does not match 0x60, then it will fail.
I try to read out the chipID of my board, it shows as 88, which is 0x58 and it's a BMP280...correct ID should as follow:
 BMP280 Chip ID is 0x58 and BME280 Chip ID is 0x60.
So this one is a BMP280

If I remove the checking of chip ID, I can read temp and pressure, but no humidity.

After switching to a correct BME280, I can read out the humidity with heltec/seeeduino library.



Heltec ESP32+OLED+Lora, hardware testing

micro SD card for ESP32, on lolin32 with OLED and heltec 32 lora oled

AIS0. understanding AIS NMEA 0183: How it's coded