LoraGateway with RAK2245 and Pi zero W
I have a rak2245 pi hat, it's designed for pi3, but I wish to use on pizero W, since a simple forwarder won't use too much power. After the assembly, the search start! Documentation from RAKwireless: https://downloads.rakwireless.com/LoRa/RAK2245-Pi-HAT/ page of start guide: https://docs.rakwireless.com/Product-Categories/WisLink/RAK2245-Pi-HAT/Quickstart/ the firmware is made for pi3+ or Pi4. to apply to pi zero W, you have to be careful with gateway EUI, since the TTN gateway EUI is a manipulation of Mac(add FF FE in middle), the firmware use ether mac, you have to choose wireless wlan0 on zero W. RAKwireless also make a pi zero w gateway as wise Gate Developer D0+ WisGate Developer D0+ is a LoRaWAN® developer gateway with GPS function. It is a device composed of a the RAK2246 Pi HAT LPWAN Concentrator module and Raspberry Pi Zero W. Class A and C compliant based on Semtech ® SX1308 chip https://docs.rakwireless.com/Product-Categories/WisGate/RAK7246G/O...