LoraGateway with RAK2245 and Pi zero W


I have a rak2245 pi hat, 

it's designed for pi3, but I wish to use on pizero W, since a simple forwarder won't use too much power.

After the assembly, the search start!

Documentation from RAKwireless: https://downloads.rakwireless.com/LoRa/RAK2245-Pi-HAT/

page of start guide: 


the firmware is made for pi3+ or Pi4. to apply to pi zero W, you have to be careful with gateway EUI, since the TTN gateway EUI is a manipulation of Mac(add FF FE in middle), the firmware use ether mac, you have to choose wireless wlan0 on zero W.

RAKwireless also make a pi zero w gateway as wise Gate Developer D0+

WisGate Developer D0+ is a LoRaWAN® developer gateway with GPS function. It is a device composed of a the RAK2246 Pi HAT LPWAN Concentrator module and Raspberry Pi Zero W.

Class A and C compliant based on Semtech® SX1308 chip


while looking for firemware there is a rak doc center state all the firmware:



using the firmware provided by rakwireless, I tried the one for RAK2245 and for wise Gate D0(rak7246), 

Both started as AP. but you have to wait, the AP first shown as Rakwireless_xxxx, few minutes later it will reboot and come up with a SSID where xxxx are replaced by last 2 bytes of  mac of wlan0.

I was able to config the wlan, and using the gateway-config tool to select TTN frequency plan. it does not make correct gateway ID nor the server address. 

check the global_conf there are several ones now:

I used nano to edit the 923_925 one, in the file, the gateway ID is all "0", you need to the one pop in the start of gateway config, which is the mac address with FF FE added at midle.

Then change the servoer_address to your selection in TTS V3.

After reboot, I got my 2nd gateway shown on TTs V



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