Using atmel JTAGICE3 to burn code into arduino
Need Atmel Studio on PC.
then open the avr studio, you can find Device programming under tools..
select tool and device interface, then must press Apply
pread read on device signature and target voltage will show you the target chip status.
Go to Memory, then select desired hex file in the flash area, here I choose arduino bootloader
Then press program, it will start...the speed depends on the selection on interface settings.
the ISP clock should be lower than 1/4 of device frequency
We can also use arduino IDE for development and burn the hex in to chip with JTAG, in this case, we skip the bootloader. There will be no more bootloader once we load the complied hex into chip.
Then, Where is the hex file in arduino IDE after verfy(complied)??
The answer is in the file "preferences.txt" under :C:\Program Files\Arduino\lib
.open it with word pad, and search for "build.path"
Arduino IDE is made in processing, so the build.path is in the temp folder as defined by java.
you can try to find it, but another way is to modify this preferences.txt
uncomment the #build.path=build (by removing the #)
and change the build in to the folder you plan to store the complied file(it's not only the hex)
for example, I created a C:\arduHex and make the line as this:
save it and restart the arduino IDE, verify the program and you will find the hex file in the folder we set.