2014-08-29宜蘭 mission fly
天氣晴, 微風,約1級 上次的navigation 去龜山島, 去的時候一直搖, 回來沒有搖, 這個今天有做些調整: 這次的計畫是在一個區域內做搜尋的飛行,路線規畫是先在APM畫出一個polygon,之後用auto WP grid去做.... 黃色是第一次飛的, 一樣左搖右晃, 兩個方向都一樣..... 藍色是叫回來加大roll的P gain, 飛出去還是一樣晃,就再叫回來增加P gain, 結果就時紅色的上兩排,一樣晃, 空中增加period, 可以看見紅色的最後兩排搖的小點了..... 顯然navigation的 period跟damping 要再看一下怎麼調..... tlog抓出的資料,是一開始建立聯線的,不包括後來飛行中改的, NAVL1_PERIOD 15 NAVL1_DAMPING 0.78 這是飛完後的數字: NAVL1_PERIOD,20 NAVL1_DAMPING,0.778 RLL2SRV_D,0.0363633 RLL2SRV_I,0.0283633 RLL2SRV_IMAX,2000 RLL2SRV_P,0.61 RLL2SRV_RMAX,60 RLL2SRV_TCONST,0.5 http://plane.ardupilot.com/wiki/navigation-tuning/ 說: Steps to tuning the L1 controller Make sure you have already tuned the roll and pitch controller, correctly trimmed your plane, and have ensured the plane does not gain or lose altitude in turns Make sure you have setup LIM_ROLL_CD to an appropriate value for the bank angle you are comfortable with your plane flying without stalling. For slow flying electric gliders a value of around 5000 (...