2014-08-29宜蘭 mission fly

天氣晴, 微風,約1級
上次的navigation 去龜山島, 去的時候一直搖, 回來沒有搖, 這個今天有做些調整:

這次的計畫是在一個區域內做搜尋的飛行,路線規畫是先在APM畫出一個polygon,之後用auto WP grid去做....

黃色是第一次飛的, 一樣左搖右晃, 兩個方向都一樣.....
藍色是叫回來加大roll的P gain, 飛出去還是一樣晃,就再叫回來增加P gain, 結果就時紅色的上兩排,一樣晃, 空中增加period, 可以看見紅色的最後兩排搖的小點了.....

顯然navigation的 period跟damping 要再看一下怎麼調.....


http://plane.ardupilot.com/wiki/navigation-tuning/ 說:

Steps to tuning the L1 controller

  • Make sure you have already tuned the roll and pitch controller, correctly trimmed your plane, and have ensured the plane does not gain or lose altitude in turns
  • Make sure you have setup LIM_ROLL_CD to an appropriate value for the bank angle you are comfortable with your plane flying without stalling. For slow flying electric gliders a value of around 5000 (50 degrees) is a good start. For fast flying aerobatic planes you may wish to use a larger value, such as 6500 (65 degrees).
  • Setup a rectangular mission for your plane to fly, with a loop so it repeats the mission continuously. Ensure that the size of the mission is small enough that you will have a good view of the aircraft at all times
  • Set NAVL1_PERIOD to the default value of 25, and NAVL1_DAMPING to the default value of 0.75. Set WP_RADIUS to the distance your plane would fly in 2 seconds at cruise speed.
  • Takeoff and put the plane in AUTO using your transmitter switch
  • Observe the behaviour of the plane in the turns. If it turns too slowly then reduce NAVL1_PERIOD by 5. If it is “weaving” after a turn then increase NAVL1_PERIOD by 1 or 2
  • If you are tuning for maximum performance, once you have completed the tuning of NAVL1_PERIOD you can increment NAVL1_PERIOD by 1 and then increase NAVL1_DAMPING in increments of 0.05 to get the response you want. Do not decrease NAVL1_PERIOD too much – it is unlikely you will need a value below 0.6.



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