APM mini OSD with OpenLRS telemetry

After using OpenLRS as radio control and telemetry. I need a miniOSD with baud rate at 19200, which is used as telemetry baudrate.

the standard miniOSD is 57600, of course we can svn the source and redo it again, but some nice guys on rc group has already done it.
for copter:
for plane:MinimOSD_Extra_Plane_2.4_Pre_release_Beta_19200.hex

it also can be configured using minimOSD extra config tool2.4.0.1
 but I was having font issue....the tool can't update the charset.....
google it, some say you need to power up 2 sides, some says you have to reload the bootloader...

I believe my bootloader works fine, since we can update the hex code pretty good.

finally, some german guys say, the minOSD does not handle charset to maxium well, so it's possible to first load your hardware with KV team OSD code:
I down loaded the 2.2 version and open it in arduino 1.05, upload it.
I move and rename the minimOSD charset file(the .mcm file) to the data folder of the OSD gui, with the name as "MW_OSD_Team.mcm"
Then use the GUI tool, to browse to the mcm file, and upload it...

then, come back to the minimOSD extra tool, to up load the 19200 firmware I found on RCgroup...
finally, the simbol and the horizon are display correctly....



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