Install PyBBIO with debian 7.9 on beaglebone black
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Recommended Debian Images
Wheezy for BeagleBone, BeagleBone Black and Seeed BeagleBone Green via microSD card
- Debian 7.9 (BeagleBone, BeagleBone Black, Seeed BeagleBone Green - 4GB SD) 2015-11-12 - more info - bmap - sha256sum: f6e67ba01ff69d20f2c655f5e429c3e6c2398123bcd3d8d548460c597275d277
Jessie for BeagleBone, BeagleBone Black, SeeedStudio BeagleBone Green, element14 BeagleBone Black Industrial and Arrow BeagleBone Black Industrial via microSD card
- Debian 8.3 (BeagleBone, BeagleBone Black, SeeedStudio BeagleBone Green, element14 BeagleBone Black Industrial, Arrow BeagleBone Black Industrial -4GB SD) 2016-01-24 - more info - bmap - sha256sum: da97d7794d834ee785265162635aedcca80fd6dc374593dd05473c0a25f0ac73
There so many hardware version of beaglebone black...
even industrial version, with temp -20 to 85 degree C
since debian 7.9 is with kernel 3.8, I tried this one.
once installed logging as debian with password: temppwd
installation of PyBBIO, request root,
so first use
sudo su
to as root, and change dir to root@beagelbone, using
cd ~
then istall the dependency wtih apt-get and use pip to install PyBBIO
if you do not change to root@beaglebone#, then install with pip,
you can still run, but not able to run BBIOserver examples
then you have to remove bbio and PyBBIO manually and go to root for installation again: