LoraWan TTN deice part1: Heltec cube cell for AS2 frequency plan with OTAA
Heltec has an arduino lib for their cube cell, which works, but the location of library is quite different from other lib. it will goes with board definition.
And their also put some lora definition in the menu of arduino, such as region, mode,Class...etc https://github.com/HelTecAutomation/ASR650x-Arduino/issues/81
I firstly install https://github.com/HelTecAutomation/ASR650x-Arduino with board manager, version 1.1, sensor, Lora, lorawan work fine, I can use it in my AS2 frequency plan.
on the day of writting this blog, heltec do note on the git that there is a AS2 frequency plan support. But it would be available form arduino board manager until their next release. But there is a way to install it through git, which should work. https://github.com/HelTecAutomation/ASR650x-Arduino/issues/145
To install via git in windows, they do provide good step by step tutorial.(I first uninstall cubecell from board manager)
the trick is where you git clone the code..
it says it must be this path: \Documents\Arduino\hardware\CubeCell
the arduino here is where the arduino.exe is, which could be different if you install arduino in a specified place, for example mine is D:\Arduino
Then you go in to D:\Arduino\hardware and md CubeCell
then go into it and start the git clone command. follow the instruction in to D:\Arduino\hardware\Cebecell\ASR650x-Arduino\tools
then execute the get.exe
after installation, restart arduino, select cubecell board, then I got my AS2 frequency plan. I tested it and get data from TTN