Modify a normal servo to wench servo on RC sail boat.Part1
A RC wench servo required several turns, since GWS died, it's not easy to get one. Thunder tiger also have such servo before, but not any more.
The motor is geared, so the holding torque is quite good, but the motor current is quite low, so the turning torque is low, and can be stopped by hand. with SW control with 2 phases engage, is still the same.
The multi turn servo has a set of reduction gear on the VR, I came across on web with these toy gear, with 0.5M, I decided to make a reduction gear from out side.
I took a metal gear servo, the gear to attached servo horn has a internal M3 threat, I put a very long M3 screw from inside, the the first 15T toy gear is fixed on it.
2nd gear is a 50-10 gear, the the last one(50T) is attached on VR.
this give me a 7 turns servo. it works! The torque is good, the down side is that, if you turn the servo, the dead band is about 5 degree. But it should work on a sail boat wench.
I made it as a linear servo, but the death band is large, also, it's difficult to keep the tesnsion.
This is an example of making a multi turns servo for genoa:
Here comes an idea of using small multi turn VR:
First idea is to link this to final gear of servo, But, the turn knob is too small, not easy to do it.
But, there is another version of this:
The shaft is about 4mm, which seems possible to attached to some thing.
By using GT2 belt and pully(easy to find with 3D printer shop) it seems possible to make a linear servo system.
I order few piece of VR with 4mm shaft, I still have few 450 RC heli parts on hand, after measurement, I found the mod Nr and the tangent circuit's diameter.
3D printed stand and have the gear and VR mounted, the belt pully is about 11teeth.
The belt used in a 450 heli is a 397XML:
397MXL | 397 | 806.7 |
If I use 11 teeth pully as well as,
{806.7-(11*2.032)} so I have about 39cm of length,
since the VR is about 20turns, so it depends on the pully it's connected to, with 11T I will have about 22mm*20=440mm, but most of servo controller board will not use whole VR, unless you design our own.
The servo I used is a very slow one, and the PID need to be tuned, since it has some overshoot...