Meshtastic LilyGo lora32 pins? which can be used, which is used on meshtastic

 The story of ESP32 pin are old, Andreas made few videos on it:

2017 esp32 review with first table of pins.

2020 #363 Which ESP32 pins are safe to use? with another table

esp32 lora heltec and lilygo pins are so so confusing:

base on my ttgo lora32, I want to know what are lead out, what are used, and what left for me.

I wish to add: GPS, serial button ( or if possible rotary encoder, need 3 GPIO), SD is not necessary.

The closest data to my board is this one it's called TTGO lora V2

Check pin used, I used TloraV2.1-1.6 with web flasher, check define on git


it seems 35 is used as battery pin

21/22 are IIC SDA/SCL

some are not clear, when checkin schematic, beside these questionale pins, it leave me few pins to use, seems fine,

What I tested:

1. Add rotary: pin are connected as rotary A on GPIO15, rotary B on GOIP2 and rotary push on GPIO14, But the setting in meshtastic is on GPIO 13/15/2, I tried to swarp pins, but it won't work if you connect pins as software connected.

2. Tried to set serial in meshtastic:

GOIP D11/D12 not working

GPIO32/33 Nothing can be send through lora

GPIO 0/4, not working, I guess the mestastic software has some bug when using pin 0

GOIP12=RX, GPIO04=TX works

I still have GPIO34 and 36/39 not tested, but according to Andreas, these pins are input only and have no pull up.



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