Adding a USB wifi dongle on Pi as router

This has been shown several times on internet, but people are using different method.
This one use Pi to have PPPoE connection, and hostapd as access point, so other device can access to the device.
Then he make wifi as fix IP, using following as IP forwarding.
 dnsmasq (isc-dhcp-server seems to work as well) using apt-get install dnsmasq

ADAFruit has also a very good article:
They also go through a lot of pages:
I used the following pages as a guide to create this tutorial, please note many of them will not work completely, but check them out if you are interested!
So, they decide to tell us to do this:
 sudo apt-get install hostapd isc-dhcp-server

the also mention that there is a chance thathostapd can't work, then need to complie your own hostapd...   

Additional Note:
If simply wish to use wifi to connect pi to an hotspot. here are 2 possibilities:
1. use the wpa gui, but you will need to do it every time after reboot.
2. using command line, will keep the last connection in file, and re connect on next connection.



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