RTL_433 on beaglebone hacking for general 433Mhz device(weather station)

I have a Chinese made weather station, it comes with a station and a receiver panel

I try to get the data out, there is a way using RTL-SDR...and the lib is ready, for a lot of protocol on the market...


building step:

fro debian:
sudo apt-get install libtool libusb-1.0-0-dev librtlsdr-dev rtl-sdr build-essential autoconf cmake pkg-config
then clone the git

 git clone https://github.com/merbanan/rtl_433.git

Installation using CMake:
cd rtl_433/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install
then run

I got my weather station data, and some one else...

I live in a 11 flowers building, I setup the weather station on the roof, my room is in 7th floor, I got nothing from the receiver.
So the first thing comes to my mind is to upgrade the antenna inside the weather station.

it took me a while to  open up the station, since it's all siliconned.

you also need to release the wire of temp and humidity sensor from the button side, otherwise you will have difficulty to get the PCB up.
the antenna seems not so promising, as usual...

I replaced it with an antenna I made long time ago...https://ldsrc.blogspot.com/2014/08/12-wave-dipole-antenna-testing.html

Then put the weather station back to the roof, and my SDR near the windows.I start to get some info from SDR, but not at 1data/minute, seems there are some data mission.

a better antenna seems good solution to my situation. I did the same for the receiver.
Then I got clear data even I put the receiver "indoor"

some one decoded the same weather station

There are few ways you can decode OOK without RTL-SDR, using a 433Mhz rf
【DIY_LAB#1303】(收發一對)433M 超再生模組 433MHz RF無線收發模組 防盜報警發射器接收器(現貨



There is also a lib for RFM69W



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