getting PPM signal from old old 27Mhz radio controller
I have an old sanwa car controller, it old but in good Sharpe.
It has a internal regulator, so the out put is 3.8V...
Referencing to data sheet, I power the board with 10V, and take the out put signal with scope. I do get 2 channels.
Today, with arduino, it's quite easy to read out the PPM with this library:
it use interrupt so, no delay on your system, and can pretty mature.
now, the question is: what RF to use?
There is not much space, a single MCU with RF is the way to go.
NRF 24L01 is RF only, I guess it would be possible to go with ESP8266, there is a ESP now protocol, which could be OK for RC.
8266 for TX and RC with servo out put
support telemetry and IIC sensors
I first test ppm reader on ESP8266 D1mini, the pin naming on d1 mini is quite confusing. And the interrupt on D1 is some how tricky.
I tried to do the fix in the PPM reader lib, it did not work out...
I change to : he use D1 mini as board, I guess it should work...
The PPMin Pin, I changed to GPIO15(D8) on D1 mini. Modify the code to 2 CH...
The ppm voltage out put of OKI, is related to the battery in put, so I use a level shifter to lower and fix the voltage at 2.2V...(not sure why it's 2.2v, but it works...)