I have purchased 2 micro SD card holder for my esp project. First I would like to test with heltec esp32 lora oled module. this module uses: sck=05 MISO=19 MOSI=27 SS(lora)=18, then I assigned 21 for sd SS and there is a lib in esp32-arduino, which use SS default at 5 I took the example and use SD.begin(21), but I alway get the error: entry 0x40078a9c Card Mount Failed But I do saw once that it read out the sd card type and volume. Not sure it's the issue of lora sd card swithing, or it just can't work. The other esp32 card I have is an wemos esp32 oled, it did not leave me too much pins, I need to find out how to connect sd to it. But I have wemos D1 mini esp8266 on hand, and connect it as: * The WeMos Micro SD Shield uses: * D5, D6, D7, D8, 3V3 and G * * The shield uses SPI bus pins: * D5 = CLK * D6 = MISO * D7 = MOSI * D8 = CS It's not working with the example in the arduino IDE 1.8.5, which m...