BOSCH BME280 , getting barometer, temp and humidity at onece

In search on BMP280 which is usually used for barometer and has an integrated temp sensor. The I found the other "brother" of the line, BM"E"280, which has humidity. It's about 20RMB

And there isa bigger brother named BME680, which has temp, humid, baro and gas sensor, and more expensive at about 99RMB.

I wired it up with leonardo lite from seeeduino, and it turns out that I need to have seeeduino lite bootloarder driver to make the download, I guess they changed USB ID.
And the little blue board of BME280 has a default IIC address as 0X76, and adafruit library take 0X77 as default address, so, connect SD0 to 3V3 will make the address to 0X77.
Thanks for IIC scanner program, this can be done with quick try.(I did it on the fly)

then the lib run quite good, the good thing of using these sensors is that you don't need to process any calibration.



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