ESP32 web server HTTP learning with BME280

I need a web server on esp32/8266 to work as user interface for config wifi(mode, ssid, pwd) as well we some parameter useful for program usage, and then store it in flash of the chip.

I used to use PyBBIO web server on bone or pi, without knowing the basic. Now I have to go into it and find a good one on esp. I have look into the lib of esp32 arduino, there is a simple wifiserver, but too simple and I lack of HTTP knowage.
Here is very good one:

and for ESP32 webserver,Then I found this:

so he used a library called , which works on 8266 and ESP32, and he also has a sd webserver, seems reallly interesting

I tried his example,
it did not compile, and come with an error on no matching function for call to 'Adafruit_BME280::Adafruit_BME280(int, int)' I did not understand why for quite a long time, and struggle with adafruit lib for IIC, to find a way to assign the IIC pins. I finally found that he use another modified adafruit BME280 lib

I tried to understand what he modified in the cpp:
in the private function:
orignal is :
: _cs(-1), _mosi(-1), _miso(-1), _sck(-1)
{ }

He changed to :
Adafruit_BME280::Adafruit_BME280(uint8_t sda, uint8_t scl)
: _cs(-1), _mosi(-1), _miso(-1), _sck(-1), pinSDA(sda), pinSCL(scl)
{ }

This explain how he got the function to use Adafruit_BME280(int, int)

The in the begin he also change to :
bool Adafruit_BME280::begin(uint8_t addr)
_i2caddr = addr;
// init I2C or SPI sensor interface
if (_cs == -1) {
// I2C
Wire.begin(pinSDA, pinSCL);
} else {
digitalWrite(_cs, HIGH);
pinMode(_cs, OUTPUT);
if (_sck == -1) {
// hardware SPI
} else {
// software SPI
pinMode(_sck, OUTPUT);
pinMode(_mosi, OUTPUT);
pinMode(_miso, INPUT);

This is how he got the begin with assigned IIC pins.

So, I removed the original one of adfruit to avoid conflict. and install Takatsuki version, modi the SDA to 4 and SCL to 15, BME280 works fine on my heltec 8266 board.
But in the latest version of adafruit lib, there is a way to assign pins, just I did not understand how this is done:
bool Adafruit_BME280::begin(uint8_t addr, TwoWire *theWire)
_i2caddr = addr;
_wire = theWire;
return init();

Then run the server again(with modi on IIC pins), it works correctly....

Other web server lib
fro IOTsharing:



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