water sport tracking testing 1 and 2 at 八里


I have made me prototype GPS tracking, I went to river side for 1st test.
But I forgot to bring my big antenna, so for the station I can only use the piggy tail antenna, and place in car.

For the device side, I bind it on the umbrella, so it's slightly higher than head.

it was raining slightly, and with a small antenna in car, I did not expect a very good reception. And device is not on it's max power. I used the default setting, 13~14.

I waked to the peer, the data recoding still goes upto 500m, and I think the RF is stopped by high building on the shore. 

For the 2nd test I bring the big ham antenna and my bike, plan to cross the river with ferry and ride to fishman peer. I still park the car at the same place.
So there is a big antenna on top of my car, and I placed the snall box in the bag of my bike.

on the boat, it's 25NTD for bike.

after and go and return, the device showed it send out about 6558 messge
and the station shows it got 6035 message, since both are not started at same time, I'm ok with this figure. the 337 is the number of message received, but with wrong check sum, here is 337 out of 6035, about 5%.

But after 30 min my PC went for sleep....so I have only these recorded in my PC.

it's exactly 30min, and the direct distance is about 1.5Km....
Next time, I will remember to turn off the sleep of my PC. Or, get another log on the station.




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