firebase host 5: query data and showing a json in body
There are ways to search in firebase:
I plan to use web to show my sensor data, so the last data and last few data average are useful
and to show the returned val in HTML body, you need to use JSON.stringify
example as below:
when using limit to last, it search the last one in the database, but in firebase the key are ordered, so if you add a data with key=a, even it's last added one, it would show up when .limitToLast(1) since it's not the last one in the ordered database
document.getElementById("mydata").innerHTML= JSON.stringify(data,null,3);
<ul id="mydata"></ul>
shows like below
To get a value in a specified key:
when you get JSON from val()
just add the .key, like:
it shows like:
- end
At - equal
To - is
Equal - limit
ToFirst - limit
ToLast - off
- on
- once
- order
ByChild - order
ByKey - order
ByPriority - order
ByValue - start
At - toJSON
- to
I plan to use web to show my sensor data, so the last data and last few data average are useful
and to show the returned val in HTML body, you need to use JSON.stringify
example as below:
var db = firebase.database();
db.ref("chinese/henry").limitToLast(3).on('value', function (snapshot) {
//db.ref("chinese/henry").limitToFirst(1).once('value', function (snapshot) {
//db.ref("chinese/henry").on('value', function (snapshot) {
var data = snapshot.val();
console.log(snapshot.key);// it shows henry
document.getElementById("mydata").innerHTML= JSON.stringify(data,null,3);
//document.getElementById("mydata").innerText= JSON.stringify(data,null,3);
<!--this one only show object:object
<h1>"the data is: " <span id="mydata"></span></h1>
<ul id="mydata"></ul>
when using limit to last, it search the last one in the database, but in firebase the key are ordered, so if you add a data with key=a, even it's last added one, it would show up when .limitToLast(1) since it's not the last one in the ordered database
document.getElementById("mydata").innerHTML= JSON.stringify(data,null,3);
<ul id="mydata"></ul>
shows like below
To get a value in a specified key:
when you get JSON from val()
var data = snapshot.val();
just add the .key, like:
console.log(data.grade3);// this will show the value of key"grade3"
document.getElementById("mydata").innerHTML= JSON.stringify(data.grade3,null,3);
it shows like: