esp32/8266 as station and TCP or UDP server for multiple connections
I have been working on esp32 for serial to udp or tcp server, the idea was to get serial data like GPS or NMEA to be shared over local net work. I did this before, and found out that if your run softAP and TCP server on same core, it could "core 0 panic" I separated then into 2 core, but still failed when 2-3 connected after a while of working. from this post , it seems 8266 is more stable than esp32 on wifi handling?! As broadcasting data, a UDP is more suitable than TCP, Bidirectional communication is not available for the UDP/broadcast protocol. this seems to be a good start: 1 Wifi communication between ESP8266 and PC using TCP/IP or UDP/broadcast protocol I tested it with apmode and udp, but it shows ip unset if I do it in station mode, it does not show "connected to wifi" This one is 3 TCP to serial ports on esp32 2 3 This fork allow UDP and 8266, but it sa...