CRSF ELRS decode with arduino leonardo

I purchased these from Taobao, about 800NTD for tx, 205NTD as rx...
But I'm not sure what is the target I should used with elrs configurator.
Seller provide bin as upgrade. 

I was playing around, set my binding phase, and get bind, with lua on my jumper T18, it shows connected.

I tried to put it on pixhawk 2.4, on telem2, serial 4, set baud rate with my setting on ELRS RX, protocol set to 23, RSSI to 3, even wth RCoption bit 9, but nothing worked. 

Since I don't have other flight controller, I decided to find a test on arduino.

There are several ones, since my ELRS is 3.0 , I can modify the baud rate.

This one works, I have a seeeduino lite with 32U4 and there is a switch for 5V 3.3V pins, I tested it, it works at 115200 baudrate. I can see the read out of the channel data.

But, If I modify the baudrate to 57600 on both side, it does not work...not sure why



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