
目前顯示的是 2014的文章

Adding a USB wifi dongle on Pi as router

This has been shown several times on internet, but people are using different method. http://blog.yam.com/cistychang/article/61517499 This one use Pi to have PPPoE connection, and hostapd as access point, so other device can access to the device. Then he make wifi as fix IP, using following as IP forwarding.  dnsmasq (isc-dhcp-server seems to work as well) using apt-get install dnsmasq ADAFruit has also a very good article: https://learn.adafruit.com/setting-up-a-raspberry-pi-as-a-wifi-access-point They also go through a lot of pages: I used the following pages as a guide to create this tutorial,  please note  many of them will not work completely, but check them out if you are interested! http://qcktech.blogspot.com/2012/08/raspberry-pi-as-router.html http://itsacleanmachine.blogspot.com/2013/02/wifi-access-point-with-raspberry-pi.html http://esrlabs.com/android-transporter-for-the-nexus-7-and-the-raspberry-pi/ http://elinux.org/RPI-Wireless-Hotspot So,...

Mission planner 2 on a A20,cubieboard, Banana Pi

I see 2 possibilities on web, 1. complie source code on arm platform, here is an example with  APM Planner 2.0  on Pi example A: http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2169852 example B: http://www.dronetrest.com/t/apm-planner-v2-running-on-a-raspberry-pi/191 Here is Qgroundcontrol for Pi, still re complied: http://diydrones.com/forum/topics/raspberry-pi-and-mission-planner?id=705844%3ATopic%3A1021527&page=1#comments Here is an imteresting one, using Pi as  mavproxy http://dev.ardupilot.com/wiki/raspberry-pi-via-mavlink/ On Cubieboard: http://diydrones.com/forum/topics/droidplanner-on-armhf So, I followed this one, the linux section https://github.com/diydrones/apm_planner 1) Install the required packages: sudo apt-get install phonon libqt4-dev libqt4-opengl-dev \ libphonon-dev libphonon4 phonon-backend-gstreamer \ qtcreator libsdl1.2-dev libflite1 flite1-dev build-essential \ libopenscenegraph-dev libssl-dev libqt4-opengl-dev l...

serial wifi module HLK-RM04

This little module has 2 uart, and can be used as AP as well. the manual is quite buggy, So I note the real thing I have on my set. default SSID is kind of HI-LINK_1B29 default pwd: 12345678 web config page: log in as admin, pwd: admin the tricky one is the TCP port: it sould be default serial config:115200,8N1

APM mini OSD with OpenLRS telemetry

After using OpenLRS as radio control and telemetry. I need a miniOSD with baud rate at 19200, which is used as telemetry baudrate. the standard miniOSD is 57600, of course we can svn the source and redo it again, but some nice guys on rc group has already done it. for copter: http://84ace.com/?cat=4 for plane:MinimOSD_Extra_Plane_2.4_Pre_release_Beta_19200.hex http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2037442&page=13 it also can be configured using minimOSD extra config tool2.4.0.1  but I was having font issue....the tool can't update the charset..... google it, some say you need to power up 2 sides, some says you have to reload the bootloader... I believe my bootloader works fine, since we can update the hex code pretty good. finally, some german guys say, the minOSD does not handle charset to maxium well, so it's possible to first load your hardware with KV team OSD code: https://code.google.com/p/rush-osd-development/ I down loaded the 2.2 version a...

GPS sentence

Have been working on GPS with Arduino few years ago, recently there is a tinyGPS++ library.. which increase the ability to decode more sentences.... First need to review what are the sentnece, each sentence contain different info, http://aprs.gids.nl/nmea/ basic 19 sentences: $GPBOD - Bearing, origin to destination $GPBWC - Bearing and distance to waypoint, great circle $GPGGA - Global Positioning System Fix Data $GPGLL - Geographic position, latitude / longitude $GPGSA - GPS DOP and active satellites $GPGSV - GPS Satellites in view $GPHDT - Heading, True $GPR00 - List of waypoints in currently active route $GPRMA - Recommended minimum specific Loran-C data $GPRMB - Recommended minimum navigation info $GPRMC - Recommended minimum specific GPS/Transit data $GPRTE - Routes $GPTRF - Transit Fix Data $GPSTN - Multiple Data ID $GPVBW - Dual Ground / Water Speed $GPVTG - Track made good and ground speed $GPWPL - Wayp...

2014-08-29宜蘭 mission fly

天氣晴, 微風,約1級 上次的navigation 去龜山島, 去的時候一直搖, 回來沒有搖, 這個今天有做些調整: 這次的計畫是在一個區域內做搜尋的飛行,路線規畫是先在APM畫出一個polygon,之後用auto WP grid去做.... 黃色是第一次飛的, 一樣左搖右晃, 兩個方向都一樣..... 藍色是叫回來加大roll的P gain, 飛出去還是一樣晃,就再叫回來增加P gain, 結果就時紅色的上兩排,一樣晃, 空中增加period, 可以看見紅色的最後兩排搖的小點了..... 顯然navigation的 period跟damping 要再看一下怎麼調..... tlog抓出的資料,是一開始建立聯線的,不包括後來飛行中改的, NAVL1_PERIOD 15 NAVL1_DAMPING 0.78 這是飛完後的數字: NAVL1_PERIOD,20 NAVL1_DAMPING,0.778 RLL2SRV_D,0.0363633 RLL2SRV_I,0.0283633 RLL2SRV_IMAX,2000 RLL2SRV_P,0.61 RLL2SRV_RMAX,60 RLL2SRV_TCONST,0.5 http://plane.ardupilot.com/wiki/navigation-tuning/ 說: Steps to tuning the L1 controller Make sure you have already tuned the roll and pitch controller, correctly trimmed your plane, and have ensured the plane does not gain or lose altitude in turns Make sure you have setup LIM_ROLL_CD to an appropriate value for the bank angle you are comfortable with your plane flying without stalling. For slow flying electric gliders a value of around 5000 (...

20140816 得子口溪 龜山島

天氣陰,風力約1級... 上次的 navi over shoot的情形,調低了roll 的 P gain, 出海前試了3個航點, 情況看來不錯才繼續出去.. 出去就開始搖.....(神奇的是回來居然都沒搖) 不幸的是這時才發現電流感應線又掉了..... 最遠的航點約10km外,應該是夠電就沒叫他回來了..... 10km去龜尾 高度是一路爬到500m, 回來降到100  岸邊的航點跑得不錯...左去就一路遙...右回可是直得很  搖的還很不規律....  有的時候就自己搖大了....  高度速度圖...全長22km, 20 mins  最遠點的RSSI還有60%,但是中間有時掉到54%....  凸然發現搖得大時衛星的數字不好....  這張很好玩,起飛跟降落的地方居然這麼近.... 飛行中,過200m就看不見了... 天線站 它真的有回來 很搖,很久,很無聊...

20140814 金山 雙燭嶼 野柳

天氣晴,風力約1級... 單航次14km... 先跑雙燭嶼,直接去野柳再回來.... 上次發現副翼的控製片鬆了,上膠處理好後,飛起來roll居然都over shoot.... 等我在地面發現時已經飛了很遠的,就讓它去吧.... 這次高度的設定從150m爬200m,250m 300m, 野柳那邊設500m.... 走了整個海灣,最遠那點約離home 4.5km, Rssi還有50-60% 節圖... 盒二場的入水跟排水口都看的到....

1/2 wave dipole antenna testing

上次telemetry 斷訊return回來,這次的試了自製 half wave diplo antenna,從這邊學的... 基本上是兩邊都是6 1/4 inch....天線管裏是電線,熱縮套裡有纖維管,維持強度... 下方的纖維管比較短,降落時天線管可以彎曲.... 此外也把電池加到4顆,2200mah (190g) *4 起飛跟降落都很好, 這機子有足夠的乘載能力.... 但是APM一切Auto就一路掉高度,就算加高度回來也飛得跟豬一樣... 這PID要再處理一下.... 拿掉一顆電池,先試天線 路線的規劃是沿著海岸....不在岸上,以免意外... tracking沒上次好,有點晃,今天沒啥風,約1-2級.....時速穩定,約在70km.... 約跑4.4km,消耗:1306mah....不知道準不準...有點太省了.... 這個WP5是RSSI最低的地方50%.... 最遠的地方還有66% 照例起飛爬到高度就切Auto,黃線是起飛的部分...  Auto 4km, 高度就維持得很好.... 龜山島看來不遠...